“We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.”
– Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Your Rose Garden is a musical short film project celebrating the storied Berkeley Rose Garden, built by the WPA in the 1930s and a living, vital community space to this day.

A living history that is more relevant than ever today.
Berkeley’s Rose Garden is part of a vibrant tapestry of Works Progress Administration (WPA) projects across the nation, whose construction helped pull the U.S. out of the Great Depression.

A love letter and a call to action.
“I'm a Berkeley native and, like my kids, I grew up playing in its creeks and parks. I've been to birthdays, keggers, graduations, weddings, and memorials at the Rose Garden. This song is my tribute to the place, and more broadly to the New Deal-era Works Progress Administration (WPA) that built this and so many other gems.”
— singer/songwriter Alexis Harte

Add your voice to the story
Our film will weave imagery from the distant past to the living present. We’re inviting everyone to share their memories of the Berkeley Rose Garden in the form of family photos and home movies, to help us illustrate this space’s continuing importance to local communities across the generations.

“All the girls in my rose garden
Park far away and wander down in heels
Taking pictures with their lovers
They’ve been coming here for 90 years”
— song lyrics by Alexis Harte

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